Legal Union for Same Gender Couples
It is an institution
Not an institution.
It has all of the trappings of the straight world
Have the legal rights afforded straight couples
with out the trappings of the straight world.
Currently and for the past 30 years only 50%
No data available for legal union viability.
It is of deep religious origin
Legal origin and not of any religion or spiritual
Most religious orders forbid homosexuality,
thus it will being crossing the line of church
and state. This was the problem with the
county ordinance inMiami-Dade County of
Florida in 1977. It crossed the line.
Being of legal origin only there will be no
conflict of church and state.
In the Christian faith, Jesus view of church and
state was to render unto Caesar (the state) what
is Caesar�s and unto God (religion) what is